Leading Sing-Alongs


Northeast Saskatchewan Teachers’ Convention

November 20, 2003

Regina, Sask

Focus: Elementary Schools

Attendance: 21

It was fun and stress-free! We WILL be singing… you can count on it! Thanks for making our day great!!!

H. Ferguson

You’ve inspired me to bring out my guitar again!

L. Roberts

I’ve never been to a workshop which actually focused more on the “how to” of teaching more than on the content. It was great!!


Some of the techniques reinforced what I do or know, and you shared many more things to add to the arsenal.

V. Hopkinson

This was great. It gave me lots of ideas to practice and polish for leading our Gr. 1 to 3 Friday assemblies. Thanks for your time, talent, and creative energy. I can tell you love what you do.


I enjoyed myself! I start each day in my grade one classroom with singing. I don’t sing “well” but I love it, and so do the kids. Your comments validated my daily sessions.


Self-Produced Public Workshop

May 10, 2003

St. James Anglican Church

Saskatoon, Sask.

Focus: General

Attendance: 21

Awesome!! It will come in very handy this fall. I loved the inter-action and break-out session.

K. Kennedy

The techniques were things we know deep down, but need someone to demonstrate to realize how important they are.

B. Dutton

The workshop was wonderful but I’d like to attend the same one a few more times, if it was offered again. You taught us such beautiful songs.

M. Weimin

Great – well presented, focused, good illustrations, examples, usable tips, and fun. AND we got to sing with you!

G. Dumonceaux

I thought it was awesome. I was feeling a little nervous about possible “on the spot” performing and am so relieved not to have had to. You are very well spoken and I hope to practice up on some of the skills you demonstrated.


I loved all the songs. What fun! You have great presence, a wonderful voice and a welcoming and encouraging attitude. It was a complete pleasure.


Weaving Words III Fine Arts Conference

March 17, 2002

(Calgary Regional Consortium)

Lethbridge, Alberta

Focus: Elementary Schools/Fine Arts

Attendance: 22

The workshop surpassed my expectations. You made it clear that anyone could do this with some thought and preparation and presence! I appreciate how “safe” the workshop was for me. I did not feel like I would have to participate in a way that I would find uncomfortable. My confidence has increased. Thank you!


Thank you for your wonderful, freeing workshop. As a teacher who loves music but feels so inadequate without formal training or a strong voice, I am much more liberated and comfortable now. Kids will have fun if I am.


I appreciated the sequential manner in which you delivered each step (in the process of leading a sing-along).


Wish you were here longer so we could sing together more.


I thought that this workshop was wonderful! I would like to take a one day workshop as Brenda’s presentation was very entertaining and full of energy.


Southwest Saskatchewan Teachers’ Convention

February 20, 2002

Swift Current, Sask

Focus: Elementary Schools

Attendance: 18

You’ve inspired me to dust off my guitar and throw out the overheads! Thanks!

L. Demorest

Great workshop! It made me excited to go back and sing with my students. I was reminded of some of the good things I already do.


I enjoyed the sing-alongs and your acting out of what NOT to do in performances.


This was a very practical approach to the real world of classroom or assembly sing-alongs.


I really liked how explicit you were about your performing techniques. Love your music and performances. Keep up the great work!


You gave me confidence that I could lead a sing-along, and some ideas about what I’ll change in the way I’ve been doing them.


Northwest Saskatchewan Teachers’ Convention

February 18, 2002

Saskatoon, Sask

Focus: Elementary Schools

Attendance: 32

The time passed so quickly and all the ideas and teaching points were so helpful.

M. Stewart

Thank you for sharing your wealth of information with us.


It built my confidence. It brought me new enthusiasm. We are going to see if you can visit our school district.

B. Petersen

Very entertaining and practical.


Thoroughly enjoyable and most professionally presented. You really make this workshop worthwhile, even for the “hummers” in the group.

R. Smith

…definitely gave me ideas on how to make my sing-alongs more interactive.


Dynamic, motivating — I can do some of this!


Lots of info in a short time. It would have been great to have had more time.


Awesome. Very concise. Helped reassure me in my techniques.


Workshop presenter was excellent. Full of energy and enthusiasm.

L. Clifford

Saskatoon Day Care Directors Association

May 28, 2001

Focus: Day Care Owners/Staff

Attendance: 18

Very helpful, especially the do’s and don’ts of performing, the mini-sing-along, and the suggestions for how to memorize songs.


Well presented. You are very comfortable with what you do…


Great approach to leading group sing-alongs; sharing your enthusiasm, knowledge and skill with us was greatly appreciated.

J. Smith-Jones

This was a very useful and helpful workshop. Thank you.

S. Misfeldt

Although with very young children it may be hard to incorporate some of your information, I found it to all be useful and interesting.


Good workshop and lots of fun. Keep doing them!


Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management

May 8, 2001

Parks and Special Places Branch

Camp Raynor, Sask.

Focus: Campfire Sing-Alongs

Attendance: 30

Excellent! A lot of enthusiasm and spirit!

J. Bayer

Very enjoyable presentation! I would love to see you in concert!

K. Haynes

I received more than enough information to prepare me for leading my own campfire sing-along.


I really enjoyed the session and found it inspirational.

J. Dukat

I liked that it was interactive and got us more comfortable with singing but didn’t put us on the spot. You were very helpful!!

K. Dobson


C. Dahl-Rito

Most excellent.


Self-produced Public Workshop

March 17, 2001

Grosvenor Park United Church

Saskatoon, Sask.

Focus: General

Attendance: 33

You were well-organized and prepared, and gave a lot of practical advice from personal experience. I really liked it when you had us sing to learn the performance-development process. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself.

H. Anderson

I loved it. There were quite a few suggestions I would put to work.

B. Miner

It was a lot packed into a little bit of time!

A. King

I knew I needed to practice but I didn’t realize just how important it was to achieve success.

S. Godson

Enjoyed my time with you! My son and I continue to enjoy your music in our home and my work! The presentation was great!

S. Lang